Getting Started with Essential Oils

The most common question I get asked about essential oils is… how do I get started!? The Premium Starter Kit is hands down, the very best way to get started!! It’s how I first got started and how you can, too!

> > > Okay, great! I want one, how do I order? HERE!!! < < <

Read along for more info.

Your Starter Kit comes with everything you need to start livin’ the oily life…

-a diffuser of your choice

-stress away
-citrus fresh
-additional samples
-a lifetime membership with 24% off
-literature and resources

-access to our incredible team and community!

What do you use oils for?

We use oils for just about everything! They help us sleep, help keep us healthy and boost our immune systems, we use them for natural cleaning, for energy, focus, calming, emotional support, relaxation, hormonal support, muscle support… the list goes on! Whatever you’re looking for, I can assure you there is an oil for THAT! Our community will help you learn everything you need to know about oils and how to use them in your everyday life.

Why do you use Young Living Oils?

Believe it or not, not all oils are created equally. Different brands vary in purity and effectiveness. After doing lots of research, the reason I chose Young Living is because their Seed to Seal promise is unmatched and so unique. They own their own farms and grow plants all over the world, which are then made into essential oils. They distill 100% of their own oils and can stand by their quality from beginning to end- from seed to seal with 100% quality control. They have been around for 20 years and the take great precautions to make sure that their oils are truly, 100% pure and the best quality. Their oils have higher standards than organic regulations call for and each oil goes through rigorous testing from third parties.

Are oils safe for babies and children?

Yes! When used correctly, oils can be very beneficial and safe for babies and children (and when pregnant!) Our exclusive Facebook community teaches you everything you need to know about how to use your oils safely and properly.

How do I know how to use my kit?

Like mentioned above, our Facebook community will teach you everything you need to know about using your oils! We have a place where you can ask questions, a virtual class where we walk you through opening up and using your kit, oodles of resources and classes on how to use oils in the safest ways, lots of new friends, and so much more!

Is the Premium Starter Kit really the best deal?

Heck yes, it sure is! I highly recommend getting one and promise you won’t regret it! You get over $330 worth of product for only $160 so it is the best bang for your buck! I’ve had my kit for 2.5 years and it has paid for itself over and over and over again!

What does signing up for a membership entail? Do I have to order regularly or sell?

Nope! Having a membership basically just gives you the best of both worlds. It gives you the best deal on getting started (the premium starter kit!!), it gives you a 24% off discount should you choose to order again, and access to our exclusive online community. There are no annual or monthly fees, no obligation to purchase ever again, and absolutely no pressure to sell anything!

If you have any additional questions about essential oils feel free to contact me directly.

To grab your very own premium starter kit and join our community, order HERE and make sure the number 2417028 appears in the ‘enroller’ and ‘sponsor’ ID fields. Sign up as a member (not retail) so that you get your 24% off discount! This does not mean you need to sell anything in any way, it just ensures that you get this discount for life 🙂

When signing up, there will also be the option to join Essential Rewards, Young Living’s monthly autoship program / wellness box. This is optional, but if you’d like to switch your family to healthy, non-toxic products then you will love this. If you’d like to join, you can grab a thieves package, some make-up, or whatever your heart desires, plus earn some freebies and points back while you’re at it!

Once you’re finished, watch for an email from me with a link to our exclusive fb community! Please allow 24 hours to receive this email. Our private Facebook community is where you can learn everything you need to know about using your oils and to become friends with lots of inspiring and oily women and men. This is truly my absolute favorite part of our community- meeting like minded people who will become lifelong friends! If you are interested in the business side of Young Living, we will also get you plugged into our business group where we have a monthly mentorship and lots of guidance and inspiration.

All suggestions made on this blog are specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with any other oils. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is always a good idea to consult with a physician for any questions or concerns that you have.

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